Thursday, December 29, 2011

2011--What a year! And 2012--what to expect!

Well, as we all do, I'm looking back on 2011 and-whew-what a year it was!  Here in southeast PA we started off with snow, went to a hot summer which ended with a hurricane.  Then we had an earthquake!  Then we had snow on Halloween!  I tell you, I'm looking for locusts!!

From a musical standpoint, it was a wonderful year marked by many memories I will long cherish.  First, my friends at Joe's Pizza in Hatboro PA once again made this year successful in that they brought me in for many First Friday events.  Joe's is a great little pizza joint in Hatboro which is a small town not far from Doylestown PA.  Each month the Hatboro Chamber of Commerce sponsors a First Friday event where each merchant will stay open later, have music or some other art, and create a festival-like atmosphere in the town.  Joe's has asked me to play there more times than I can remember.  Great food!  And a great little room to play.  The crowd is always appreciative and some of my regular fans like Steve and Janet come out.

Also, I had the opportunity to play some new venues this year.  The Hopewell Valley Vineyard hosts a Friday evening Wine Tasting with brick oven pizza.  Again, a great room, and some really fine wine!  Also played at The National Hotel in Frenchtown NJ.  Pete runs a nice restaurant with bar there.  I had some friends come out there too for a fun night.  The music is on Sunday evenings.  With the trio, we performed a few times at Antibes Bistro in NYC and the Salt Creek Grille in Princeton NJ.

Harmonica events were aplenty as well!  The annual SPAH convention was held in Virginia Beach and, as always, did not disappoint.  For those of you wondering,  SPAH stands for the Society for the Preservation and Advancement of the Harmonica...and it does just that!  Got to see my great friends from Seydel and many other fine harmonica players.  Also, I performed at the Garden State Harmonica Club 39th annual festival this year.  It's a great club and I've been part of that organization in one way or another for all 40 years of its existence.  Many dear friends at the festival this year.  And again, some fine harmonica music.  Not to be left out of course was my trek to Yellow Pine Idaho for the Yellow Pine Harmonica Festival.  Thanks to George Miklas and Lynn Imel, I was invited to judge the competition they have there and perform with George and his lovely daughter Janalyn.  For those wondering, Yellow Pine has a population of 35 which blossoms to over 2000 when they host this 4 day event.  Harmonica music from morning til after midnight every day.  Absolute blast to attend!

The biggest event of the year for me was the release of "In A Yuletide Groove".  Many thanks are in order here.  Rob Paparozzi for producing it and making it all work, Jim Salamone of Cambridge Recording Studios for making it sound incredible, and Kari Gaffney for promoting it to radio and print.  Add to that Glenn McClelland, Chris Ziemer, Matt Parrish, Dave Mohn, and my wife Patty for providing awesome backing music!  And, I was honored when I found out the CD was selected as  Downbeat magazine Editor's Pick!!

But most importantly, my fans and friends that support my musical efforts are the ones I owe the most to.  If it weren't for you I would probably put the harps in a box and take up fly-fishing.  It means so much to me to know that folks enjoy the music I make.

Other things this year were the launch of this very blog!  I started it not knowing what to do...and I continue it not knowing what to do!  But, I enjoy blabbering some of my "thoughts and musings" and if you enjoy it too then it's all good.

How about next year?  It's that time of year when we make resolutions and I would be remiss if I didn't offer up any.  So here goes.  First, I always make a resolution to be a better husband, a better father, and a better person all around.  Speaking of all "around" I always resolve (like many) to lose a few pounds.  When my scale says "come back...alone" I know it's time.  Wish me luck!!  Seriously, I have a wonderful wife and two awesome kids and they deserve the best from me.  I know I usually drop the ball in that category more often than not.

For music next year, I'm thinking of taking up a new instrument...and not a harmonica!  We'll see how that goes.  I'm also thinking about beginning a podcast in addition to or in conjunction with the blog.  Not sure what I'll podcast about, but I think it might be fun.  Some of you know that I used to write percussion arrangements for competitive marching bands and drum corps.  I have found that I miss writing.  So, I think I will try my hand at composing a couple of songs.  I'll share them...when they're ready, if they ever are.  I'm also going to take Richard Martin's advice.  Richard is the publisher of the Harmonica Educator which I have been writing for on and off for a number of years.  He told me I should put together a harmonica method book.

How about you?  Do you have any resolutions??  Most of us do, and most of us drop the ball by the end of January.  I'd love to hear stories of resolutions that were kept and what came of them!!

As always, thanks so much for being a fan and a friend.  I wish you and your family a happy and healthy 2012.

,,,'til next time.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Ok, so I need to vent...

Time for me to vent.  My 9-5 day job requires me to take the train to NY daily.  Just about all of us have cell phones or Blackberry's or iPhones.  And on these devices, we can all get email, voicemail, web services, etc...and phone calls (go figure).  While on the train, most of us (myself included) check emails and do what we need to do. 

When the train rolls into Penn, there is a herd getting off the train and making their way up crowded escalators (that typically aren't running) or stairs.  Most normal people need to see where they are going when they walk up a set of stairs.  Either that, or move very slowly so as to not fall down the stairs.

Why, then, do people feel the need to reply to emails while walking up a set of crowded stairs?  My favorite are the guys that have their laptop open and are trying to update an email while walking up a set of stairs.  Yes, I have seen that!!  Or, the guys that are on their Bluetooth headset "blah blablah blah".  As a result of these people, the rest of us are crawling up a set of stairs just trying to get to work. 

To these people I have one thing to say...You are NOT that important!!  No one cares WHAT your response is to their email!  You are NOT that important!! 

Donald Trump...ok, maybe not the best role model...but, he does NOT carry a phone, or Blackberry, or briefcase, or even a wallet!  You could argue he's important! 

So there you have it...end of rant.  Now I have to check my Blackberry and iPhone.  But at least I'm not on the stairs!!!

Monday, December 5, 2011

The Power of Positive Thinking

It's been some time since I "blogged", but I was inspired by something today written on another blog site that I visit often.  The subject is Positive Thinking, and, although it sounds very "new age", it's really something that mankind has known for centuries. 

Negative thinking, negative energy, negativity in all it's forms is not healthy for the one carrying it, and to those around them.  Think of what it's like to be around someone who is always a downer, or always finding the bad things or what's wrong.  They're not alot of fun right?  They're depressing. And that negativity can spread like a cancer to everyone else. I don't know about you, but I like to laugh throughout my day.  Laughter IS the best medicine.  Not only laughter, but positive thinking, positive energy brings about good things and spreads to others as well. 

Now, it's easy to harbor and cultivate negative thoughts about ourselves.  As a musician, it's very easy to get negative about performing, recording, making music--especially if you don't get the gig, or a gig goes bad.  Personally, most of the time, I'm my own worst critic!  And it's very easy for that negativity to permeate everything else I do.  I get down on myself.  And, if you honestly look at yourself, you probably do the same thing in one way or another.  Then the negativity turns to depression or apathy.  Not good.  You become the downer in the room.

Blogger Brian Thompson makes a simple suggestion.  When these thoughts come up, just "snap out of it and knock it off!"  Easier said than done!  But he also goes into the science that many psychologists know and thats the part of the brain known as the amygdala which allows negative thoughts to happen.  Brian goes on:

Once you’re aware of these old lizard brain thoughts, use positive affirmations to reassure yourself, “I’m happy, positive and full of vibrant energy! I am master of my universe! Nothing can stop me from achieving my goals!”

Think of the most fantastic, exhilarating, or happiest moment of your life. Got it? Now multiply that times a thousand, or ten thousand. Or a million. Be ridiculous. The more extreme and exaggerated your thoughts and imagery are, the better. You CAN change your emotions. And when you do this, it causes automatic sensations of pleasure and peace of mind… allowing you to move on with the important task at hand; achieving your goals.

If you can control your perceptions, you can control your reality.

Chances are that if you feel like you’re stuck in a rut, it’s due to the negative energy you’re consumed with and are putting out into the world. I’m not saying those feelings might not be valid, but they certainly aren’t doing you any good. They’re standing in the way of you overcoming a temporary situation. After all, if you’re filled with self-doubt you clearly won’t be concentrating on your goals. And if you’re filled with negative emotions, they will undoubtedly affect others around you… who in turn may not want to work with you because of your shitty vibe (or at the very least, won’t be inspired and they’ll have zero motivation because of your blah attitude).

Sage advice! We should all follow this advice. Now, like I said earlier, this isn't something that the "new age" movement can lay claim too. The Apostle Paul wrote to the Phillipians:

Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.
And why did Paul believe this was good to do?

The God of peace will be with you.

No negativity, no depression, no anxiety. Peace, positive thoughts, good life--that's what positive thinking does for us. It is something we can do--just by being aware of these thoughts and knowing that we can control them. Life is too short to be a negative person. The most recent Peace Corps ad campaign says "Never go through life saying 'I should have'".

Be conscious of your thoughts. Focus on positive energy.
Change your thoughts, change your mind, change your life.
You are what you think.
Manifest your destiny!

Brian Thompson is Managing Partner of Thorny Bleeder Records

His original blog can be read at:

You can also follow him on Twitter

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

10,000 hours

I read a handful of blogs that speak about the music business--specifically the independent music scene. Small miracles like itunes have leveled the playing field for music artists in that getting our music out there no longer requires a contract with a major label. My music is on itunes just like Lady Gaga! It's also on Rhapsody, Napster, Amazon, emusic, and the list goes on. No longer do you have to go to a store to purchase music when you can simply download it digitally. Gone are the days of expensive music videos featued on MTV or VH-1 when, with relatively little expense, independent musicians can create their own youtube channel and feature their music.

While this is a blessing, it can also be a curse! Now the competition is fierce! Digital distribution of music via platforms like itunes make it possible for your listeners to sample your wares. Meaning, while you may have the same distribution channels that Lady Gaga has, of you're music is mediocre, no amount of marketing hype or buzz will help you. Your music can't suck. And how is that measured? By your fans of course.

Many of the blogs I read speak of putting in your 10,000 hours of practice. Being an engineer, I broke out the calculator and did some math. If you work full time (presumably 8 hours a day) and take a lunch every day, 10,000 hours adds up to 5 1/2 years at a job. One could say that, after 5 1/2 years working at a job you would be pretty well versed in what you do. Now, if you work a full time job (as quite a few musicians do), let's say you practice 2 hours a night, it would take over 13 years to hit your 10,000 hours. That's some time huh?

The bottom line is this is a brave new world for music artists and fans alike. Fans will win with the ability to pick the best of the best. Musicians will have to step up their efforts to create awesome music. Mediocre, "not bad", "good enough", won't cut it.

Now, I have to go...practice!

Friday, October 7, 2011

Another Steve Jobs tribute

I know we've all been inundated with tributes and eulogies for Steve Jobs in the past few days. It seems we've all learned more about him since he died than we ever knew while he lived.

As for me, I was truly saddened. His public image of late, to me, was of a truly likeable guy that had really cool ideas...all while bravely facing his death. As an engineer, I admire Steve Jobs ability to design. As an independent musician, I thank Steve Jobs for how the ipod and itunes leveled the music distribution playing field. As a human being, I respect Steve Jobs for keeping his family and personal life out of the public eye. As a card-carrying MBA, I'm amazed at Steve Jobs corporation.

I had an Apple IIc back in the day, and migrated to the PC platform, always knowing that Windows was created so a PC would work like a Mac. Years later, I acquired a G4...a far cry from my old IIc. I've recorded two albums and put together numerous videos on that machine. I know have in ipad (writing this blog on it) and, while I was skeptical at first and saw it as a laptop without a keyboard, once I joined the ranks of i-device users, I quickly became a believer. I then got my iphone.

Yes, I'm a believer. In Apple...or Steve Jobs? Time will tell with Apple. But, for now, I can say Steve was a true innovator, not just from cool gadgets, but from creating devices that are social game-changers, devices that introduced concepts that questioned the status-quo. He will always be a legend.

Rest in peace Steve Jobs. You will be missed.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

In Praise of Lists

My wife Patty is an avid list-maker. She has the usual grocery list and "to-do" list, but she also makes lists for just about everything you can think of. Weekend plans, vacation plans, house project plans, car servicing, Christmas lists, birthday lists, Franz list (sorry, couldn't help that one!). I joke with her saying she has a list of lists. Remember those popular books "The Book of Lists"?

Well, I have to say that there is a definite advantage to making and using lists. The other day I was doing some errands and was thinking of everything I had to do and was feeling overwhelmed. So, sitting in one of our local pizza eateries I broke out my iphone and made a list, adding entries as they came to mind no matter how mundane. There were close to 50 items...all tasks from looking something up online to painting a room.

When I returned home, I set out on my list. By the end of the day, I was able to write "Done" next to five entries. (No, the room paint job wasn't one of them!). What a feeling of accomplishment! I reorganized my list to group the "Done" things together. I proudly displayed my list to Patty as if to say "honey, I've become a believer". I'm not sure, but I think there was a hint of a tear in her eye.

In this ever complicated world we live in, we're all loaded with many many tasks, things to do, errands, gifts to give, calls to make, emails to write, etc., and list-making is essential if we are going to have a chance of getting to half of the things we need to. Checking things off as "Done" gives you a sense of accomplishment, success. Adding things to the list actually frees your mind up from having to remember those things.

Pretty soon I'll start the mother of all Bucket List. hmmm. What would I put on that??

Hey, now that I've written this blog post, I can check off another item.

Monday, September 5, 2011

A little about my sound system for live gigs...

I posted a little video where I discuss my sound system(s). Essentially, to me, it's ALL about portability and being able to make one trip into the venue from the car. I do have two systems, however, and which one I use depends on the venue. One system is a higher powered setup, but it IS bulky and heavy and alot to setup and... The other is what I talk about and demo in the video

My mic is the same for either system--the Audix Fireball V harmonica mic. It's not a green bullet blues mic, nor is it intended to be.  It is a lightweight, warm sounding mic that has a convenient little volume control on it.

So, please check out the video and let me know what you think!!