My wife Patty is an avid list-maker. She has the usual grocery list and "to-do" list, but she also makes lists for just about everything you can think of. Weekend plans, vacation plans, house project plans, car servicing, Christmas lists, birthday lists, Franz list (sorry, couldn't help that one!). I joke with her saying she has a list of lists. Remember those popular books "The Book of Lists"?
Well, I have to say that there is a definite advantage to making and using lists. The other day I was doing some errands and was thinking of everything I had to do and was feeling overwhelmed. So, sitting in one of our local pizza eateries I broke out my iphone and made a list, adding entries as they came to mind no matter how mundane. There were close to 50 items...all tasks from looking something up online to painting a room.
When I returned home, I set out on my list. By the end of the day, I was able to write "Done" next to five entries. (No, the room paint job wasn't one of them!). What a feeling of accomplishment! I reorganized my list to group the "Done" things together. I proudly displayed my list to Patty as if to say "honey, I've become a believer". I'm not sure, but I think there was a hint of a tear in her eye.
In this ever complicated world we live in, we're all loaded with many many tasks, things to do, errands, gifts to give, calls to make, emails to write, etc., and list-making is essential if we are going to have a chance of getting to half of the things we need to. Checking things off as "Done" gives you a sense of accomplishment, success. Adding things to the list actually frees your mind up from having to remember those things.
Pretty soon I'll start the mother of all Bucket List. hmmm. What would I put on that??
Hey, now that I've written this blog post, I can check off another item.
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