Thursday, July 21, 2011

Another reason to enjoy making music

My friend John Mooney from The Villages in Florida sent me a link to a magazine article entitled "Music Makes A Brain Happy- And Hungry For More Music". (read the full article here).

Basically, the study speaks of how the "feel good neurotransmitter dopamine" is released to parts of the brain that affect anticipation...causing the listener to "crave the next note".

My permanent psychologist (my daughter Erica) has told me in the past that there is a field of study that studies music as a means of psychotherapy. She has also pointed me to the Oliver Sacks book "Musicophilia" ... that I must admit I haven't had the chance to read, but does study the psychological affects of music. By the way, Eric is an outstanding musician and singer! Check her out here

As a musician, I have to say that this info gives me yet another answer in my search for "why am I a musician?". I listen to music like you do, and I am fortunate to be able to make music like some of you. It's often said that performing is like a drug. I would have to agree. Why else do famous performers never seem to retire? There is nothing like when a musician and audience connect. The performance becomes a unique event at that very place and time that will be memorable.

So, us musicians get the feel-good rush when we listen and when we perform! What is it Elvis is believed to have said when asked why he never did encores..."Leave them wanting more!". He might have been on to something!! Either way, knowing that there is a scientific reason to strive to make the best music I can is pretty inspiring!

I was once asked to record a harmonica solo on a reggae record...yep, reggae! When the guy contacted me, he said (in his island-ese accent), "Yaah maan, I want some of your harmonica lovin on my CD maan!". I laughed, but now we know that there is much more to music than the ntes, much more than the technical proficiency on the's about the soul in the music that connects with the listener...and leaves them wanting more. Its the dopamine that leaves them craving more.

I love being a musician!

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